
style menu

Sheet Menu V I D Y A A C A D E M Y Home Libre Office Calc File Menu Edit Menu View Menu Insert Menu Format Menu Style Menu Sheet Menu Data Menu Tools Menu Libre office Calc Formulas Calc Shortcut Keys Mock Test Mock Test-1 Mock Test-2 Mock Test-3 Mock Test-4 Mock Test-5 Mock Test-6 CSS What is css Types of CSS CSS Selectors CSS Animation Properties CSS Position Properties Courses Java Script Libre office writer Libre office Impress Tally Accounting Internet HTML Tags -:- Style Menu -:- Style Menu :- Libre office calc में style menu का उसे spreadsheet के cell में लिखे Text को style देने के लिए इस option का use किया जाता है | इसमें निम्न option आते हैं - Default Accent 1 Accent 2 Aceent 3 Heading 1 Heading 2 Good Bad Neutral Error Warning Footnote Note Update Selected Style New Style From Selection Manage style (f11)

Sheet Menu

Sheet Menu V I D Y A A C A D E M Y Home Libre Office Calc File Menu Edit Menu View Menu Insert Menu Format Menu Style Menu Sheet Menu Data Menu Tools Menu Libre office Calc Formulas Calc Shortcut Keys Mock Test Mock Test-1 Mock Test-2 Mock Test-3 Mock Test-4 Mock Test-5 Mock Test-6 CSS What is css Types of CSS CSS Selectors CSS Animation Properties CSS Position Properties Courses Java Script Libre office writer Libre office Impress Tally Accounting Internet HTML Tags -:- Sheet Menu -:- Sheet Menu :- इसमें निम्न option आते हैं - Insert Cells (Ctrl + +) Insert Rows Insert Column Insert Page Break Delete Cell (Ctrl + -) Delete Rows Delete Column Delete Pagwe Break Insert Sheet Insert Sheet At End Insert Sheeet From File External Links Delete Sheet Clear Cell (Backspace) Cycle Cell Reference Types (f4) Fill Cells Named Ranges and Expression

Format menu

calc format menu V I D Y A A C A D E M Y Home Libre Office Calc File Menu Edit Menu View Menu Insert Menu Format Menu Style Menu Sheet Menu Data Menu Tools Menu Libre office Calc Formulas Calc Shortcut Keys Mock Test Mock Test-1 Mock Test-2 Mock Test-3 Mock Test-4 Mock Test-5 Mock Test-6 CSS What is css Types of CSS CSS Selectors CSS Animation Properties CSS Position Properties Courses Java Script Libre office writer Libre office Impress Tally Accounting Internet HTML Tags -:- Format Menu -:- Format Manu Format menu में निम्न option होते है - Text Align text Number Format Cloan Formetting Clear Direct Formetting Cells.. Rows Columns Merge and Unmerge Cells Character Paragraph Page style Print Range Conditional Autoformat Style Spreadsheet Theme Image Chart Sparkline Text Box and Shape Name Description Anchor Arrange Flip Gro

Insert menu

Insert menu V I D Y A A C A D E M Y Home Libre Office Calc File Menu Edit Menu View Menu Insert Menu Format Menu Style Menu Sheet Menu Data Menu Tools Menu Libre office Calc Formulas Calc Shortcut Keys Mock Test Mock Test-1 Mock Test-2 Mock Test-3 Mock Test-4 Mock Test-5 Mock Test-6 CSS What is css Types of CSS CSS Selectors CSS Animation Properties CSS Position Properties Courses Java Script Libre office writer Libre office Impress Tally Accounting Internet HTML Tags -:- Insert Menu -:- Insert menu निम्न option आते हैं - 1- Image 2- Chart 3- Sparkline 4- Pivot Table 5- Media 6- OLE Object 7- Shape 8- Function 9- Named Range or Expression 10- Text Box 11- Comment (ctrl+alt+c) 12- Floating Frame 13- Fontwork 14- Hyperlink (ctrl+K) 15- Spacial Charecter 16- Formetting Mark 17- Date(ctrl+;)

Edit Menu

Libre office Scalc V I D Y A A C A D E M Y Home Libre Office Calc File Menu Edit Menu View Menu Insert Menu Format Menu Style Menu Sheet Menu Data Menu Tools Menu Libre office Calc Formulas Calc Shortcut Keys Mock Test Mock Test-1 Mock Test-2 Mock Test-3 Mock Test-4 Mock Test-5 Mock Test-6 CSS What is css Types of CSS CSS Selectors CSS Animation Properties CSS Position Properties Courses Java Script Libre office writer Libre office Impress Tally Accounting Internet HTML Tags -:- Edit Menu -:- Edit Menu :- Edit option में निम्न option आते हैं - Undo (ctrl + z) :- libre office calc में किये गए काम के पीछे जाने के लिए इस option का use किया जाता है | Redo (ctrl + y) :- Undo के द्वारा किये गए काम को पीछे लाकर फिर से वहां से वापस आने के लिया redo का use किया जाता है | Repeat (ctrl + shift + y) :- Last word या letter को बार - बार repeat

View Menu

Libre office Scalc V I D Y A A C A D E M Y Home Libre Office Calc File Menu Edit Menu View Menu Insert Menu Format Menu Style Menu Sheet Menu Data Menu Tools Menu Libre office Calc Formulas Calc Shortcut Keys Mock Test Mock Test-1 Mock Test-2 Mock Test-3 Mock Test-4 Mock Test-5 Mock Test-6 CSS What is css Types of CSS CSS Selectors CSS Animation Properties CSS Position Properties Courses Java Script Libre office writer Libre office Impress Tally Accounting Internet HTML Tags -:- View Menu -:- Normal :- यह libre ऑफिस का by default view है | Page Break :- Page break के द्वारा sheet में data कितने page में लिया गया है | इसे देखा जा सकता है | User Interface :- Libre office में by default user interface standerd tool bar होता है | इसके आलावा और भी option दिए गए हैं | जो निम्न हैं - Tabbed Single Toolbar Side bar Tabbed Compact Grouped

File Menu

Libre Office Scalc Home Libre Office Calc File Menu Edit Menu View Menu Insert Menu Format Menu Style Menu Sheet Menu Data Menu Tools Menu Libre office Calc Formulas Calc Shortcut Keys Mock Test Mock Test-1 Mock Test-2 Mock Test-3 Mock Test-4 Mock Test-5 Mock Test-6 CSS What is css Types of CSS CSS Selectors CSS Animation Properties CSS Position Properties Courses Java Script Libre office writer Libre office Impress Tally Accounting Internet HTML Tags V I D Y A A C A D E M Y -:- File Menu -:- File Menu :- file option में निम्न option आते हैं - New :- जब हम libre office calc के file menu को open करते हैं तो file menu में सबसे ऊपर new option show होता है | New option द्वारा हम libre office की किसी भी file को open किया जा सकता है | जैसे libre office calc, libre office impress,