Libre Office Calc Shortcut Keys

Libre Office Calc Shortcut Keys

-:- Libre Office Calc Shortcut Keys -:-

Shortcut keys Function
F1 Help
F2 Edit Cell
F9 Recalculate
F11 Show / Hide Side Bar
F12 Group Cell
Tab Open Navigator
Ctrl + ; Date
Ctrl + + Insert
Ctrl + - Delete
Ctrl + 1 Cell Formatting
Ctrl + 2 2 Line Spacing
Ctrl + 5 1.5 Line Spacing
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + D Cell Data copy to Down Cell
Ctrl + H Find and Replace
Ctrl + K Hyper Link
Ctrl + M Clear Formatting
Ctrl + N New Sheet
Ctrl + O Open
Ctrl + Q Exit Libre Office
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + W Close Window
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + F2 Insert Function
Ctrl + F5 Show / Hide Side Bar
Ctrl + F3 Manage Name
Shift + F7 Auto Spelling
Ctrl + f8 Value Highlighting
Ctrl + F12 Ungroup
Ctrl + Tab Go to Next Page
Shift + Tab Go to Previous Cell
Ctrl + Space Select Column
Ctrl + Enter Next Page
Ctrl + shift + ; Time
Ctrl + shift + 1 Number Format
Ctrl + shift + 3 Data Format
Ctrl + shift + 4 Currency Format
Ctrl + shift + 5 Precent Format
Ctrl + shift + 6 General Format
Ctrl + shift + B SubScript
Ctrl + alt + C Comment
Ctrl + shift + J Full Screen
Ctrl + shift + N Manage Tamplate
Ctrl + shift + O Print Preview
Ctrl + shift + P SuperScript
Ctrl + shift + S Save as
Ctrl + shift + V Paste Spacial
Ctrl + shift + Y Repeat
Ctrl + shift + Tab Go to Previous Sheet
Ctrl + Page up Top Cell
Ctrl + Page Down Bottum Cell
Ctrl + shift + Space Select All
Ctrl + shift + Page up Select to Previous Sheet
Ctrl + shift + Page Down Select to Next Sheet
Ctrl + alt + shift + v Paste Unformated Text


एक टिप्पणी भेजें

thank you

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

Libre Office Scalc ( Interoduction )

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