CSS Selectors

CSS Selectors


VIDYA ACADEMY Add- Rail Bazar Gurudwara Gali Fatehpur Mo- 8400499579

-:- CSS Selectors -:-

CSS selector are used to find (or select) the html element you want to style.

Types of selectors :-

  1. Id selector
  2. Class selector
  3. Universal selector
  4. Group selector
  5. Tag selector
  6. Combinatory selector
    1. Descendent slector (space)
    2. Child selector(>)
    3. Adjacent sibiling selector (+)
    4. General sibiling selector(~)
  7. Attribute selector
  1. CSS id selector :-
  2. The id slector uses the id attribute of an HTML element to select a specific element. The id of an element is uniquw within a page, so the id selector is used to select one unique element! To select an element with a specific id, write a hash (#)chaacter, followed by the id of the element.

    Example :-

  3. CSS class selector :-
  4. The class selector selets HTML element with a spefic class attribute. To select element with a specific class, write a period(.)character, followed by the class name.

    Example :-

  5. CSS Universal selector :-
  6. The universal selector (*) selects all HTML element on the page.

    Example :-

  7. CSS Grouping selector :-
  8. The grouping selector selects all the HTML element with the same style definition. Look at the following css code (the h1, h2, and p element have the same style definitions).

    Example :-


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